Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How The Constitution Balance The Needs Of The Individual

How well does the Constitution balance the needs of the individual with the needs for an orderly society? The United States Constitution has been in place for more than 200 years. It provides both the rights for the people and the rules for the government. Our founding fathers made it so that the government does not have total control over the people, and vice versa, the people’s rights do not overpower the government. The constitution basically balances the rights and the rules evenly, but there are conflicts with having a balanced society. One thing that one might say about an American is how â€Å"free† they are. The people of America have the Bill of Rights to thank for that. The First Amendment in the Bill of Rights states that the†¦show more content†¦That was the good side of it, but on the downside, since everyone equally expresses their own personal opinions on matters, there could be some conflict. For instance, just recently there has been some debate in South Carolina about the confederate flag. In South Carolina, they had the confederate flag raised at monuments. Some people said that the flag symbolizes the support for racism, while others say that the flag shows the state s heritage. Under the first amendment, it is perfectly legal to raise and support the confederate flag even though it supports the idea of slavery. The flag was eventually taken down from the monument after the state legislature ordered its removal (Ellis). Another thing about the freedom of speech is since there is no censorship, people of the United States are allowed to view any website. Which is nice because it allows citizens to look up, upload, and stream whatever they want, unfortunately this leaves things open for predators and allows easy access to porn sites and places to buy drugs. If there was censorship, then we wouldn’t have to worry about these things, but we wouldn’t be able to have the same privilege to go to any website as before. It would basically be like how some websites are blocked on school computers even if the students we not looking up anything inappropriate. It balances out the pros and cons, but it is a little more lenient on the side of the individuals.

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